Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Here Are My Hands

Illustrated By: Ted Rand
Ages: 2-6

Here Are My Hands is a rhyming book about body parts and what they are used for.  This is a fun and colorful book that is great for young students who are learning about their bodies.

Theme: Students learn about different things to do with a variety of body parts.

About the Author:  
Bill Martin Jr.  wrote children's books for over 60 years.  He was a well known writer who wrote books such as Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?  Martin was noted as one of America's best known authors. 
John Archambault writes in the form or poetry of song.  One of his best known books is Chicka Chicka Boom Boom.  Since the third grade he knew he wanted to be a writer and through the inspiration of one of his teachers and the book Charlotte's Web, he lived out his dream.

Pre-Reading Activities:
Students should brainstorm all the things that they use their hands for. 
Post Reading Activities:
Students can work together to think of a variety of things they do with each body part and act it out.  Older students can create their own book. 

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